Response Headers :

        X-Powered-By: PHP/8.2.16

You must add the APP_KEY from your .env file into the vercel.json configuration. To do this, you need to set the APP_KEY in the env section of the vercel.json file. First, generate your APP_KEY using the command php artisan key:generate and then copy the generated key into the vercel.json file like this:

     "version": 2,
     "framework": null,
     "functions": {
         "api/index.php": { "runtime": "vercel-php@0.6.0" }
     "routes": [
             "src": "/(.*)",
             "dest": "/api/index.php"
             "src": "/(.*)",
             "dest": "public/$1"
     "env": {
         "APP_ENV": "production",
         "APP_DEBUG": "true",
         "APP_URL": "",

         // Add your APP_KEY here
         "APP_KEY": "",
         // Add your APP_KEY here

         "APP_CONFIG_CACHE": "/tmp/config.php",
         "APP_EVENTS_CACHE": "/tmp/events.php",
         "APP_PACKAGES_CACHE": "/tmp/packages.php",
         "APP_ROUTES_CACHE": "/tmp/routes.php",
         "APP_SERVICES_CACHE": "/tmp/services.php",
         "VIEW_COMPILED_PATH": "/tmp",
         "CACHE_DRIVER": "array",
         "LOG_CHANNEL": "stderr",
         "SESSION_DRIVER": "cookie"

Additionally, to set up the build and output settings in Vercel, make sure to:

To test your newly created REST API, you can visit the /api/api/message route on Vercel. If you configured the route as shown earlier, visiting will return a JSON response like this:

            "X-Powered-By": "'PHP/' . phpversion()"

However, when running the application locally, you only need to visit /api/message (without the extra /api prefix). This is because Vercel uses serverless functions with specific routing, whereas Laravel's local development server handles routes directly.